2611 Brighton Rd Pittsburgh Pa 15212 Usa

Phone 561-888-5127


Reparación y mantenimiento de sistema de calefacción, climatización y tratamiento de agua.


Instalación, Reparación y Mantenimiento

Aire Acondicionado

Instalación, reparación y mantenimiento de sistema de climatización comercial e industria.

We are the most complete company

Og Tech Solutions Offers Technical Services for Repair, Maintenance and Installation of Restaurant Equipment, Supermarkets, Large Stores and Small Commercial Businesses Our Technical Service Covers Repairs Such as Walk In Freezer, Walk In Cooler, Heating Air Conditioning Smoke Extractors, Refrigerators, Fryers, Ice Maker, Cool Table, Steam Table, Ovens, Commercial Gas and Electric Water Heaters Stove.

It also offers its technical services for the repair, maintenance and installation of residential equipment such as heating, air conditioning and gas and electric water heaters, repair of washing machines, dryers and refrigerators.